Tuesday, August 26, 2014
Tuesday, June 24, 2014
Why seal an Asphalt driveway?
Why seal an Asphalt driveway?
It is very important to use an asphalt sealer on your driveway to prevent damage caused by sunlight, rain, and snow. A new, unsealed driveway will be fine for a few years, but neglecting to apply asphalt sealer to the surfaces of your property allows water to sneak beneath the porous surface. When the water freezes, heats up, or saturates the soil underneath the pavement, you will start to see cracks. Your only choice at that point would be relaying the asphalt.
Another reason you might consider it important to use asphalt sealer is to maintain the original, dark color of your driveway. The sealer will keep your asphalt black, rather than letting sun and traffic dull it to a faded gray. Asphalt sealer can also resist spills from car oil and other maintenance fluids that you don't want to stain your driveway.
If you owned a parking lot, you would have another reason to use asphalt sealer. The constant friction of tires will wear away the uppermost layer of asphalt. This layer has a lot of gummy petroleum material and not as many aggregate rocks. Once it wears away, the erosion of the parking lot will speed up. A thinner asphalt is even more likely to crack, buckle, or develop potholes.
What causes Asphalt damage ?
Cracks in asphalt occur when the earth underneath the pavement shifts for some reason. This could be due to seasonal changes in weather and humidity. Asphalt is designed to resist this moisture penetration, since it has glue keeping the aggregate material together. Even still, asphalt is not impermeable to water damage, especially in a driveway.When cold water sinks into or below the asphalt, it will freeze when temperatures drop. Freezing water expands, interfering with the stickiness of the glue. At some point, the water defrosts and shrinks, putting structural strain on the pavement. Pavement may buckle and make small fissures or larger cracks.
How often should I seal my driveway?
After the initial base application, your driveway should be sealed every 2-3 years depending on personal preference.
General rule of thumb is NOT to seal your driveway every year!!! Sealers are coatings, just like paint. You can easily apply too much and the coatings will begin to crack and peel. Only reseal the driveway after you can clearly see that the old sealer is wearing. When the color of the aggregate (rocks) begins to show, it is time to reseal.
Wednesday, June 18, 2014
6 reasons to avoid the left lane unless you're passing
One of my biggest pet peeves when I’m driving is another driver who refuses to stop travelling in the left lane and refuses to travel at least the posted speed limit.
This is such a big deal to me that my fiance, who was once a left-lane driver, knows now to only use the left lane when he intends to pass another vehicle, lest he have to endure my soapbox session about why the left lane is not meant for cruising.
So, when I stumbled upon Vox’s reasons for avoiding the left lane, I had to share.
Here are six reasons to stay out of the left lane, adapted from the Vox report:
- 1. It’s Lane Courtesy Month. If you’re a left-lane enthusiast, this is a good month to start testing out the lane to your right. That’s because the National Motorists Association has dubbed June Lane Courtesy Month. According to NMA, “If everyone would practice lane courtesy, driving would be more enjoyable, our roads would be safer, congestion would be reduced, and we would even save money on gas!”
- 2. You’re annoying other drivers. Vox sums it up in one sentence: “There are basically two types of drivers: those who get worked up about people driving slowly in the left lane, and those who do it all the time and have no idea they’re upsetting everyone else.”
- 3. You may want to avoid fines and jail time. Vox notes that 29 states have some sort of law restricting vehicles that are travelling below the “normal speed of traffic” from driving in the left lane. According to USA Today, slow drivers in Georgia travelling in the left lane could be slapped with a misdemeanor — which could mean up to $1,000 in fines and up to a year in prison. And, as Vox reports, 10 states require drivers in the left lane to be turning or passing.
- 4. Police are seriously enforcing left-lane laws. Last year, Better Roads reported that Texas is cracking down on left-lane drivers, and violators can end up paying as much as $500. Ohio has also begun enforcing its left-lane laws, according to the Columbus Dispatch. In 2013, Washington police stopped more than 2,200 drivers for travelling too slowly in the left lane, MyNorthwest.com reports.
- 5. Avoiding the left lane reduces congestion. Have you ever tried to pass someone who was travelling slowly in the right lane, only to get stuck behind someone driving the same speed in the left lane? Vox reports that “many traffic jams result from a surprisingly small number of slow cars obstructing traffic.” When a driver blocks the left lane, it defeats a main purpose of the left lane: to allow for improved flow of traffic.
- 6. Avoiding the left lane is safer. Vox points to evidence showing that moving to the left lane and slowing down is more dangerous than speeding. About 4 percent of accidents in the U.S. are caused by these lane changes, while up to 10 percent of highway accidents can be linked to lane changes. According to Vox, a car travelling 5 mph slower than the average speed of traffic is more likely to cause a wreck than one travelling 5 mph faster than other drivers.
Wednesday, June 11, 2014
Rhode Island lawmakers approve creation of $28 million state transportation fund
Rhode Island will have a dedicated transportation fund starting next month. The state’s House Finance Committee on Thursday night approved a plan to create a $28 million transportation infrastructure fund by diverting money from the state’s general fund starting July 1, the Providence Journal reports. The plan will shift those funds by raising motor-vehicle inspection fees by $16, increasing motorist court fee costs by $25 and moving revenue from existing rental car surcharge and motor vehicle title fees. The fees are expected to add tens of millions of dollars to the transportation fund. A 1-cent gas tax increase, set to begin July 1, 2015, would add another $1.4 million to the fund in 2016. The fuel tax hike, the report notes, will be indexed to inflation and will rise every two years. The plan is included in the state budget, which also ends tolls on the Sakonnet Bridge
Wednesday, May 28, 2014
Driveway Paving
Driveway Paving
You got to consider the fact that driveway paving is not as simple as browsing the online yellow pages, and calling a few of the neighboring paving companies, asking them to give quotes and just picking up the cheapest driveway pavingcontractor. Definitely, there’s nothing bad in getting quotes, but the challenge is in assuring that you get what you’re paying for. As for an instance, you need to have solid prep work to ensure that you've got a durable and longer lasting paving eventually.
It’s also important that the contractor digs down to the right depth and gets rid of the soil and clay – if necessary. And these things need to be done before you lay those sub beds properly crushed stone aggregate (which typically range between 3 and 6 inches). Nevertheless, your sub-base has to be sufficiently smooth and rugged. You also need to pay some attention to the drainage grade. Among all other things, things must be done right regarding pour the heated mix of asphalt on a properly set base.
If this base, for instance, is set improperly (some people do it like that to save a few dollars here), this will considerably shorten the total lifetime of the paved driveway. Some people end up feeling sorry in the long run for having cracks or unevenness a couple of years following the ‘cheap’ driveway paving. For your information, it’s quite expensive to take out asphalt for a repair of your driveway.
High-class driveway paving would last well over a decade and should require minimal maintenance (e.g sealing). Though the lifetime of a driveway paving will tend to differ depending on the climatic conditions and overall usage, but still you would want to make the most out of your sub-base prep work. Yet another factor to consider here is the cost, overall durability and the ultimate thickness of the underlying asphalt layer.
Driveway Paving – What You See Isn't What You Get
If you ever thought what you’re seeing is what you’ll get – think again! If you want your driveway well done, make sure that the compacted, finished asphalt is 2-inch thick as a minimum. Additionally, ensure that your driveway paving contractors has specified the driveway’s “compacted thickness” in their quote, so can avoid confusion. A lot of people don’t realize that loose and hot mix of asphalt thickness is much greater compared to the compacted one. If you would like to have a superb and durable finish, you must request a 2-inch compacted hot-mix of asphalt base, which should be ideally followed by another 1.5-inch top course.
We Uno Paving don't hide anything from our customers,with more than 25 years in the asphalt industry our first goal is quality and a happy customer.We will find the best options in the market for the job.
Can asphalt paving be done in the rain?
Asphalt paving cannot be completed while it is raining. Paving must also be delayed if it has rained recently enough for the ground to still be wet.
While paving companies would like to be able to complete jobs during any weather conditions, asphalt is made of a mixture that contains oils. These oils repel water, and laying asphalt while it is actively raining will cause unintended results that affect the quality of the project.
The repelling of oil from water means that cracks or holes may form in asphalt that is laid during rainy weather. These cracks can quickly turn into potholes, and it is even possible for potholes to form when asphalt is laid on wet ground after it has stopped raining.
The damage and quality concerns related to laying asphalt in wet conditions can be observed immediately. The oil that separates from the asphalt as it repels water will rise to the top of the newly surfaced road or parking lot. Craters may form if it is raining immediately after the asphalt has been laid.
Friday, May 23, 2014
America's Top 10 Beaches

1-Duke Kahanamoku Beach in Honolulu, a well-groomed crescent of blond sand and palm trees near the Hilton Hawaiian Village Waikiki Beach Resort, beat out more than 600 other beaches for the distinction
2. Barefoot Beach, Bonita Springs, Florida
3. St. George Island State Park, Florida Panhandle
4. Waimanalo Bay Beach Park, Oahu, Hawaii
5. Hamoa Beach, Maui, Hawaii
6. Cape Hatteras, Outer Banks of North Carolina
7. Cape Florida State Park, Key Biscayne, Florida
8. Coast Guard Beach, Cape Cod, Massachusetts
9. Beachwalker Park, Kiawah Island, South Carolina
10. Delnor-Wiggins Pass State Park, Naples, Florida
Connecticut could bond $11.9 million for road repairs
Connecticut could see more funding for highway repairs in the coming weeks. Gov. Dannel Malloy said this week that the state bond commission plans to meet next Friday to consider a $11.9 million bond that would fund road maintenance and resurfacing projects, the New Haven Register reports. Malloy said the proposed bonding, along with $57 million in approved funds, “will repave or repair 264 miles of primary roads around the state.” This will mark the third consecutive year that the number of miles of state roads to receive funding has risen, according to the report. Malloy added that earlier this year, he proposed $1.4 billion in transportation funding. He also proposed that the state’s transportation fund be used for transportation purposes only. The report notes that Malloy also called on Congress to fix the Highway Trust Fund (HTF). The HTF funds the majority of state and local surface transportation projects, but it is expected to run out of money at the end of August.
Thursday, May 22, 2014
New Hampshire gas tax to rise 4.2 cents in July
New Hampshire can expect a 4.2-cent gas tax increase this summer, after the state’s governor signed a new bill to raise more money for transportation. Gov. Maggie Hassan on Tuesday signed SB 37, a bill that would raise the state’s gas and diesel tax by 4.2 cents per gallon, bringing in an additional $32 million to $33 million each year. Related: As Highway Trust Fund insolvency looms, state DOTs stretch dollars through project prioritization The legislation passed in the state’s Legislature in April. The gas tax increase — the first in the state since 1991 — will begin July 1, the New Hampshire Department of Transportation (NHDOT) states on its website. The bill boosts the fuel tax from 18 cents per gallon to 22.2 cents per gallon. Hassan called the legislation “an important step toward addressing [New Hampshire’s] transportation needs,” noting that it is also expected to boost the state’s economy and “improve commutes.” “A solid, modern transportation infrastructure is the foundation for long-term economic growth, critical to the success of New Hampshire’s people and businesses, and I am proud to sign this bipartisan legislation into law so that we can strengthen our transportation infrastructure and boost our economy,” Hassan said in a prepared statement. NHDOT says the additional revenue collected from the gas tax hike would fund projects such as “resurfacing and reconstruction on secondary roadways, municipal bridges and Interstate 93.”
Monday, May 12, 2014
Rhode Island DOT to invest $2 million in driver safety
(Photo Credit: Alexander Moran / Flickr)
The Rhode Island Department of Transportation (RIDOT) is planning to install a $2 million system on its highways to prevent drivers who are entering via ramps from driving the wrong way, WPRO News reports.
The agency intends to start installation of the system at 20 locations throughout the state in April, with a large focus on urban locations.
The system will include intelligent transportation components as well as more signage and markers near ramps.
RIDOT is aiming to have the system working early next year.
Infrastructure jobs can boost U.S. employment; highway funding push continues
Beyond shovel-ready
The report suggests that in order to determine the jobs that are included in infrastructure, it is important to define what exactly infrastructure is. The report offers the following definition:
“In general, infrastructure encompasses a broad range of systems and facilities designed, constructed, operated, and governed across the public and private sector. Foundational in nature, these physical assets are either manmade or natural, often operate as part of larger networks, support a variety of economic activities, and provide a host of other services with a clear public benefit over the course of many years.”
It also divides infrastructure into seven sectors, defining each:
- Intra-Metro Transportation: local roads and bridges, public transit (subways and buses), taxis and limousines, sightseeing transportation and bicycle/pedestrian infrastructure
- Inter-Metro Transportation: passenger rail, airports, highways and inter-urban and rural bus transportation
- Trade and Logistics: freight rail, air cargo operations, trucking, seaports/inland waterways, transportation support and warehousing and express/local delivery services
- Energy: the generation, transmission, and distribution of energy from natural gas (pipelines), facilities responsible for electricity (nuclear, hydroelectric and solar/wind) and other utilities
- Water: clean/drinking water, stormwater, wastewater, sewage/water treatment facilities and “green” infrastructure for conserving related natural resources
- Telecommunications: broadband and transmission infrastructure (wired, wireless and satellite), concentrated in facilities outside radio and television broadcasting
- Public Works: streetscapes, land redevelopment and waste/landfills (solid waste, hazardous materials and remediation)
According to the report, 14.2 million workers, or 11 percent of the nation’s workforce, had jobs related to infrastructure in 2012. Among them, only 6 percent are involved with design and 15 percent with construction. The majority (77 percent) are primarily involved with operation.
Other findings include:
- A combined total of 9.1 million infrastructure workers (64 percent of the U.S. total) are employed in the 100 largest metropolitan areas
- Infrastructure jobs offer more than 30 percent higher wages than jobs at lower ends of the income scale ($24,750 and $30,190 annually, versus $18,090 and $22,480 annually)
- Infrastructure occupations offer higher median wages ($38,480) than the national median ($34,750)
- With a 2.5 ratio of wages earned at the 90th and 10th percentile, infrastructure offers a more even distribution compared to other occupations in the U.S.
- 12 percent of infrastructure workers hold a bachelor’s degree or higher
- For 57 percent of infrastructure employees, the highest level of education is a high school diploma or less
- 67 of the 95 infrastructure occupations only require a high school diploma or less for entry
- 59 of the 67 occupations (including paving equipment operators) pay higher wages to workers at the 10th percentile than nationally
- 73 of the 95 infrastructure occupations (10 million workers) require short- or long-term on-the-job training, or an apprenticeship
- Nearly 6 million workers in 64 of the 73 occupations earn higher wages at the 10th and 25th percentile
- Infrastructure jobs are expected to increase 9.1 percent in the next 10 years
- 2.7 million workers (23.4 percent) will need to be replaced in the next decade
- 1.1 million workers are projected to be added to the infrastructure workforce through 2022.
Wednesday, May 7, 2014
Pothole insurance takes hold in auto industry
Pothole insurance takes hold in auto industry
How much would you pay to protect your vehicle from pothole damage? Some car owners are adding an additional cost to their regular maintenance plan by purchasing insurance that protects against potholes, USA Today reports. Related: “Pothole Robin Hood” aims to fix 100 potholes in Jackson, Miss. The insurance, known as road hazard insurance, protects cars — tires and wheels, in particular — from damage caused by road damage such as potholes, which have been reported to cost individual drivers $700 each year. One company, Safe-Guard, has been offering the protection plans for more than 10 years. Its tire and wheel protection customer base has grown 350 percent in the past five years. More drivers are likely to purchase a protection plan from Safe-Guard and other insurance providers in the coming months due to an exceptionally harsh winter that created more potholes than usual in many states.
Tuesday, May 6, 2014
Asphalt Driveways in Rhode Island
Thursday, April 10, 2014
Friday, April 4, 2014
How To Choose the Best Material For a Driveway
How To Choose the Best Material For a Driveway
Sooner or later, you'll have to replace your driveway. A lot of people take their driveway for granted until it's time to replace their driveway. Suddenly, the contractor bombards them with all these options for a new driveway, leaving the person to wonder what they should replace their driveway with.
There are several options for a driveway, however, and, if you make the right choice, you might end up with a driveway that was far better than the old one. Ideally, that's what we're looking for.
The most common material that is used for a driveway is asphalt. Asphalt is tough to beat. It is fairly economical, and widely available. If you have an asphalt driveway, you might want to stick with asphalt for simplicity's sake. A lot of people like to "edge" their asphalt driveway with rocks, bricks, etc. "Edging" the asphalt driveway improves its appearance, but, some people want more.
Another popular option for driveways is stamped concrete. While it is possible to pave a stamped concrete driveway yourself, I recommend that you have a professional pave it, because stamped concrete driveways have to have joints in order to prevent the stamped concrete driveway from cracking. It is important that you choose a contractor that is very familiar with paving stamped concrete driveways, because I've heard too many horror stories.
Finally, we come to the "paver" type of driveway. Paver-type driveways are very expensive, but very distinctive. Today, you have a choice of materials you can use for the paver, such as regular pavers, bricks, and various types of stones. Before deciding to do this, it is vital you do your homework: find a contractor that is very familiar with installing the type of paver you want for your driveway. A paver-type driveway that isn't done properly is a nightmare. Make sure the driveway is done right the first time, because it will cost you more money to correct someone else's mistake.
Wednesday, February 26, 2014
How to choose an asphalt contractor
Without a doubt, hiring a contractor is the part of home remodeling that causes more fear and anxiety than any other phase. How do you know you've got a good contractor, someone you can trust to do a good job for a fair price and stand behind his or her work? Unfortunately, there are no guarantees. But if you do your homework, you improve the odds of getting a contractor you will be happy with.
1) First they need to be insured . To work in any state a contractor need to be insured before do anything else and how you will be sure that the company that you are going to hired is real cover by a insurance agency? simple, every serious company will be register in the contractor board of the state that he work and to be register the first document that you need is proof of insurance for example for Rhode Island residence go to http://www.crb.state.ri.us/search.php search the contractor name and you will see if is register and insured, plus you will see if the company has complains.
2) Check if they have a website, search their company name in Google ,you will find more info about them, I saw lot of small companies changing their names every time they have a complain making harder for the consumer find information about them.
3)Write down all the questions that you have for them for example:
What asphalt mix design are they going to use?
There is a dozen of asphalt types; base binder with 3/4" stone or 1/2" stone , for surface top with 1/2" or 3/8" stone , for the base, process gravel etc, ask for a copy of the mix design they are going to use that way you will know if they have a clue about asphalt.There is no such as left over mix from another job, asphalt is made at 300 to 325 degrees and that temp will go down in three to four hours so if you have mix from another job very positive that will be cold and you don't want your driveway made with cold asphalt believe me.
How long will take to do the job?
Normally in a good weather conditions one day should be plenty time to do a driveway.
Ask them how many tons of asphalt your driveway need , why? Let me explain to you ; your driveway will need a minimum of 3" of process gravel base , 2" of base course asphalt mix and 1" of surface top . Will be hard for the customer difference between 3" of asphalt or 2" , that inch of asphalt will be replace with the cheapest material that will be the process gravel and to be sure that he use the correct amount ask them for a copy of the receipt. Asphalt is made in a production plant and every time the contractor buy asphalt will have a receipt ; there is an example how you can calculate your driveway need go to http://www.asphaltpavement.org/images/stories/paving_area_calc.xls
Wednesday, January 15, 2014
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